Safety Programs, Policies, & Procedures

Safety & security at JCC

During open hours, students, faculty, and employees of Jamestown Community College have access to academic, recreational, and administrative facilities at each campus and extension center. The general public can attend cultural and recreational events on campus, as well as access the libraries. Many events are advertised for the public at large and athletic facilities are periodically open to the general public. JCC offers a truly open campus experience within its facilities at all locations. JCC does not employ a security force. Security services are provided through a joint effort between staff and faculty and coordinated by the coordinator of Campus Safety and Security and the director of buildings and grounds. The building and grounds department maintains the college facilities with a concern for safety and security. They inspect campus facilities regularly, promptly make repairs affecting safety and security and respond immediately to reports of potential safety and security problems.

Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus without the express approval of the vice president of administration. The college has adopted a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program. Intentional use, possession or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons on campus or college property by students and employees is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the college’s code of conduct.

JCC will sponsor appropriate security awareness and crime prevention programs for its students and employees through its campus life office, residence life office, and the campus health and safety committee. Program topics may include: personal safety awareness and security, rape prevention, and the prevention of burglary and vandalism. In addition, information on safety and security is provided to students and employees through electronic and paper memoranda, posters, brochures, and  college newsletters.

Behavior Intervention Team

The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is comprised of a JCC faculty, staff, and administrators. Members meet biweekly to discuss behavioral incidents and concerns occurring on campus; discuss, plan, and implement intervention strategies; and provide consultation regarding students who are at risk of concern.

Learn more about BIT »

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

The Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act of 2000 sets the requirements for sexual offender registration.

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education.

Registered sex offenders are required to provide notice to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) of each institution of higher education at which that person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. Information regarding Level 3 sex offenders is available at the DCJS.

In limited circumstances, JCC may choose to notify the college community regarding Level 3 or Level 2 sex offenders on campus. Such notification shall be done via the college website. Faculty, students, or staff wishing to inquire further about the presence of registered sex offenders at JCC should contact the coordinator of Campus Safety and Security.

Law enforcement agency information provided by the state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained through New York Department of Criminal Justice Services’ Sex Offender Registry or you may also contact the NY DCJS Sex Offender Registry at 518.457.6236 or 1.900.288.3838.

Child protection

Jamestown Community College is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of children who participate in college-related programs and activities whether on or off campus, or utilize campus facilities for activities including, but not limited to, sports camps, academic and personal enrichment programs, and research studies.

JCC has established child protection and mandatory reporting and prevention of child sexual abuse policies to govern a process and course of conduct for individuals who participate in college-related programs to ensure they conduct themselves appropriately with children and report instances or suspicion of physical or sexual abuse of children.

Crime reporting & daily crime log

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act requiring colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. JCC complies with these regulations by providing information relating to crime statistics to all current students and employees. Prospective students and employees are notified of its existence and afforded an opportunity to request a copy.

JCC’s campus safety and security director will provide, upon request, all campus crime statistics as reported to the U.S. Department of Education.

Further details about campus safety and security can be obtained from JCC’s coordinator of Campus Safety and Security.

Jamestown Community College is committed to assisting all members of our community in providing for their safety and security. In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, the coordinator of Campus Safety and Security is providing the annual security reports for both the Jamestown and Cattaraugus County campuses.

We are required to prepare and post an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for the Jamestown Campus location. We are also required to prepare and post an Annual Security Report for the Cattaraugus County Campus. The report includes information about our safety and security practices as well as crime and fire statistics. Jamestown Community College’s annual security and fire report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by Jamestown Community College; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. This information is required by law and is provided by the coordinator of Campus Safety and Security. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the coordinator of Campus Safety and Security at 716.338.1015. Printed copies of the report are also available at:

  • Jamestown Campus, Hamilton Collegiate Center

  • Cattaraugus County Campus Office of the Vice President of the Cattaraugus County Campus, College Center, 2nd floor.

Our crime statistics have also been published at the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education. There, you may view crime statistics from all campuses. The coordinator of Campus Safety and Security will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education. 

Disclosure of crime log information: The coordinator of Campus Safety and Security will maintain a daily crime log that contains information on crimes that occur in and around campus. The log will be viewable at the human resources office, in the Hamilton Collegiate Center on the Jamestown Campus and in the dean's office, in the College Center on the Cattaraugus County Campus.

Local law enforcement: Jamestown Community College has an established relationship with law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction for each of our three campus locations. Local law enforcement responds to calls for service at each JCC campus and JCC has a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with each agency for the prompt investigation of violent felony offence and reports of missing students. 

File a report
  • Incident Reporting Form - This form is intended to be used to report concerns including campus safety, suspicious activity, and concerning student behavior. If this is an emergency, call 911.
  • Injury, Accident, or Sudden Illness Reporting Form - This form should be used to report all injuries, illnesses, or accidents that take place on campus. If you are reporting incidents of behavior concerns, campus safety, or suspicious activity, use the Incident Report form.
Health, safety, & security committee

In accordance with Section 6431 of the Education Law, Jamestown Community College has an advisory committee on campus safety and security and is called the health, safety, and security committee. The committee is comprised of membership from all campus constituencies

JCC's health, safety, and security committee reviews current campus safety and security policies and procedures and makes recommendations for their improvement. The committee submits a report annually, which is available upon request by contacting the coordinator of Campus Safety and Security.

JCC Alert

Jamestown Community College uses JCC Alert for our campus-wide emergency notification system. You can get emergency alerts from JCC by text message, email, and voicemail.

Learn about JCC Alert »

Missing student policy

Scope: This policy applies to students who reside in campus housing, defined as Hillside Suites North, South, and West.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for the college’s response to reports of missing students, as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act.

For purposes of this policy, a student will be considered missing, if a roommate, classmate, faculty member, family member, or other campus person has not seen the person in a reasonable amount of time. A reasonable amount of time may vary with the time of day and information available regarding the missing person’s daily schedule, habits, punctuality, and reliability. Individuals will also be considered missing immediately, if their absence has occurred under circumstances that are suspicious or cause concerns for their safety.

Procedures for designation of emergency contact information:

  1. Students age 18 and older and emancipated minors – Students will be given the opportunity during each semester registration process to designate an individual or individuals to be contacted by the college “in case of emergency.” In the event a student is reported missing, college personnel will attempt to contact their emergency designee no more than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined to be missing in accordance with the procedures set forth below. An emergency contact designee will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student.
  2. Students under the age of 18 – In the event a student who is not emancipated is determined to be missing pursuant to the procedures set forth below, the college is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian no more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing in accordance with the procedures set forth below.

Official notification procedures for missing persons:

  1. Any individual on campus who has information that a residential student may be a missing person must contact a member of the residence life staff within that student’s residence hall as soon as possible. Residence life staff will then notify the vice president of student development. Note: If a commuter student is believed missing, the reporting person should immediately notify local law enforcement authorities. The campus safety office will assist outside agencies with these investigations as requested.
  2. Residence life staff and the campus safety officer will gather information about the residential student from the reporting person and from the student’s acquaintances (description, clothes last worn, where student might be, who student might be with, vehicle description, information about the physical and mental well being of the student, an up-to-date photograph, class schedule, etc.). Appropriate campus staff will be notified to aid in the search for the student.
  3. If the above actions are unsuccessful in locating the student within four hours of the report or it is apparent immediately that the student is a missing person (e.g., witnessed abduction), the vice president of student development will contact the Jamestown Police Department to report the student as a missing person and the local law enforcement agency will take over the investigation.
  4. No later than 24 hours after determining that a residential student is missing, the vice president of student development, or her designee, will notify the emergency contact (for students 18 and older) or the parent/guardian (for students under the age of 18) that the student is believed to be missing.

Campus communications about missing students: In all cases of a missing student, the law enforcement agency conducting the investigation will provide information to the media that is designed to obtain public assistance in the search for any missing student. The vice president of enrollment, marketing, and communications, or his designee, is available to provide consultation on communication with the investigating law enforcement agency. Any media requests to the college will be directed to the vice president of enrollment, marketing, and communications.


MSDSonline is an online library of safety data sheets (also known as material safety data sheets or MSDS). Safety sheets contain the information to keep Jamestown Community College faculty, staff, and students safe from dangerous chemicals such as methanol, acetone, hydrochloric acid, and millions of other hazardous substances. Through MSDSonline, you can access information on all chemical products used at JCC.

Access MSDSonline »

Sexual Offender Registry

The Sex Offender Registration Act requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to maintain a Sex Offender Registry. The Registry contains information on sex offenders classified according to their risk of re-offending: low-risk (Level 1), moderate-risk (Level 2) and high-risk (Level 3). The Act requires that the Division also maintain a Subdirectory of Level 3 Sex Offenders. The DCJS Sex Offender Registry site may be found on the web (See the link to the right) and contains their Subdirectory of Level 3 Sex Offenders as well as other information regarding New York State's Sex Offender Registry.

Sex offenders registered in New York are required to notify the Registry of any institution of higher education at which they are, or expects to be, whether for compensation or not, enrolled, attending or employed, and whether such sex offender resides or expects to reside in a facility operated by the institution. Changes in status at the institution of higher education must also be reported to the Registry no later than ten days after such change.

Correction Law §168-b requires that Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) include this information regarding an institution of higher education on its Registry.

Correction Law §168-c requires:

1. that the Department of Correctional Services, or hospital or local correctional facility in which a sex offender is confined, require that such sex offender complete a form notifying DCJS of their proposed address upon release and any institution of higher education at which the offender expects to be enrolled, attending or employed, and whether they expect to reside in a facility owned by the institution; and,

2. that a probation officer require that a supervised sex offender complete a form notifying DCJS of any change of address or any change of status in enrollment, attendance, employment or residence at any institution of higher education while under supervision.

Correction Law §168-d requires:

the court to obtain the name and address of any institution of higher education at which the offender expects to be employed, enrolled or attending and whether the offender expects to reside in a facility owned or operated by that institution.

Correction Law §168-e requires:

a sex offender released from a correctional facility to provide the name and address of any institution of higher education the offender expects to be employed by, enrolled at or attending and whether the offender expects to reside in a facility owned or operated by that institution.

Correction Law §168-j(4) and (5) set forth the notification procedures whenever a sex offender has indicated to DCJS that they will be enrolled in, attending or employed at an institution of higher education. DCJS will notify each law enforcement agency having jurisdiction.

Jamestown Community College’s Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security maintains a file of communications provided by the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services related to the notifications.

The links below can be used to search the NYS DCJS and The U.S. Department of Justice NSOPW websites. Jamestown Community College provides these links as a service and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information contained in those websites.

When a person has information that a registered sexual offender poses a threat to the campus community, they are requested to contact the Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security. If a criminal act is in progress 911 should be called and the crime reported to police.

Anyone who uses this information to injure, harass, commit a criminal act or file a false report against any person, may be subject to criminal prosecution and judicial sanctions.  

NYS DCJS Sexual Offender Registry

Sexual Offense Policy Statement

JCC’s administration fully supports all local, state, and federal laws governing harassment, rape, and sexual assault and will prosecute violators to the fullest extent possible. Students violating this policy are subject to judicial procedures and sanctions, up to and including expulsion, which are outlined in the student constitution. Employees violating this policy shall be subject to disciplinary actions as defined in their respective labor contracts or human resource policies.

JCC is committed to providing prompt and compassionate support services to any victims of such assaults. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of a sexual offense on a JCC campus, you are urged to report the incident to JCC authorities as well as the police. If you are a victim of a sexual assault, you have the right to:

  • report the incident to the coordinator of Campus Safety and Security for internal reporting and/or to pursue criminal charges;
  • access support services, including free and confidential counseling, provided by JCC and/or the community.
Silent witness

Jamestown Community College understands the difficulty people may experience in reporting crimes or incidents of concern to us face-to-face. As a result the college offers the Silent Witness Program to anyone who has witnessed, or knows about, a crime committed on campus. This program will provide a means for students, faculty or staff to anonymously report crimes on campus.

An individual can pull up the Silent Witness form on the JCC webpage from any computer and enter information on the type of crime, location of the crime and any details. The information is then routed to the Director of Campus Wide Security who follows up with an investigation. If it is necessary, appropriate authorities will be involved.

The purpose of the program is to obtain information regarding criminal activity. It further ensures that information gathered goes to the proper law enforcement agency and nowhere else. Since it allows for anonymous reporting, it may increase the likelihood that criminal activity will be reported.

  1. The reporting form is a fill-in-the-blank format, in which the person reporting can record all known data about the criminal activity.
  2. By clicking on SUBMIT REPORT, the information goes automatically to a "blind" e-mail site which will not reveal the identity of the sending person.

Report an incident anonymously »

Title IX, sexual violence, & Student Conduct Institute

Title IX of the Education Amendment prohibits discrimination in the provision of services or benefits offered by Jamestown Community College based upon gender. Sexual discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence. Learn more about Title IX at JCC »

JCC's Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response course (SPARC) will be available soon. The course must be completed on a computer.

JCC is a member of SUNY's Student Conduct Institute in support of Title IX training.

Badge for Institutional Member of the SUNY Student Conduct Institute, click to view campus TIX training

Tobacco free JCC

As part of our commitment to healthy lifestyles, respect, and well-being, Jamestown Community College became tobacco-free on August 1, 2014.

JCC prohibits smoking and the use of tobacco products on all campus-owned grounds, including parking lots and residence halls. We’re pleased to join the movement across the nation for college and university campuses to move toward being tobacco-free, as supported by the New York state commissioner of health and State University of New York chancellor.

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